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For this year’s Halloween season, Bashar has prepared a spooky transmission called Facing Your Demons, in which a few brave souls may explore the mechanics of disconnection, negative energy, and how it relates to the experience humans call demons. So gather up your courage, and maybe some well-inspected candy, as Bashar explains what demons really are, how we create them, and everything we need to know about negative energy. Join us for Facing Your Demons, if you dare…
You can find more upcoming events here.
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What's New From Bashar?
The Formula: The Instruction Manual for Living Your Best Life is a compact distillation of metaphysical principles that, when applied to one's daily life, can create a sense of fulfillment and allow one to experience self-empowerment, and stay positively aligned with one's purpose and path in life.
New York Times bestselling author Mike Dooley invites 6 world-renowned authors to channel their often shocking and inspiring insights on the mysteries hinted at by ancient prophecies. They discuss the energetic and psychic upheaval we're now living through, offering unique lessons on how each of us can now tap into our own supernatural powers.
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